Registered Gas Installers
We Heat Things Up With L.P Gas

Our Services 

Registered lpg Gas Installer / Gas Installer/ Liquid Petrolium Gas - Installer-Installations-Gas Installations-Gas Installer.Gas Geyser Installer-Gas Hob Installer-Gas Fire Place Installer. Installation in Gauteng,East Rand,West Rand,Pretoria.Since the Commission for Energy Regulation (CER) has worked with the gas industry to put in place a new regulatory system to supervise the work of gas installers with respect to safety. This new statutory-based regulatory system has replaced the previous voluntary register operated.

The LPG Safety Association has appointed The Register of Gas Installers of South Africa  as The Gas Safety Supervisory Body

Lpg Safety Association. is a wholly owned subsidiary of and is reponsible for the registering of gas installers and regulating their activities with respect to safety. Lpg Safety Association will carry out this function on behalf of the Commission for Energy Regulation as set down in the Criteria Document

On the 26 June 2009 the LPG Safety Association enacted the Energy (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 2006 which makes it illegal for any person who is not a Registered as a Gas Installer

Please contact us for more information!


